
Fôrt + Hōm
Nov 9, 20213 min read
The Benefits of Passively Investing in Real Estate
According to Forbes, real estate investments have created more billionaires than any other type of investment. A study by the San...

Fôrt + Hōm
Oct 28, 20213 min read
Value-Add Residential Fund (VRF)
After the successful launch and funding of our first Value-Add Residential Fund (VRF), Fort + Home (FH) is thrilled to announce that we...

Fôrt + Hōm
Sep 1, 20213 min read
History of the Kenwood Building + Construction Update
Butte, Montana has earned the title “The Richest Hill on Earth.” For over 100 years, Butte was one of the most important sources of...

Fôrt + Hōm
Oct 2, 20203 min read
Adding on: DIY or Contractor?
You've been in your home for longer than usual these days which may have you thinking it's time to add on to the space. Perhaps it's a...

Fôrt + Hōm
Sep 25, 20202 min read
We're on YouTube!
Curious about the latest on The O'Rourke project? Interested in more of what we do here at Fôrt and Hōm? Look no further than our YouTube...

Fôrt + Hōm
Sep 18, 20202 min read
Meet the Team: Hillary Wolff
The great outdoors and laughter: two natural remedies serve as the best medicine if you ask Fôrt and Hōm Project Coordinator and...

Fôrt + Hōm
Sep 11, 20202 min read
Let's Talk Shiplap
By now you've heard of it; you may even know what is looks like or have it in your home. But really what is shiplap? Believe it or not,...

Fôrt + Hōm
Aug 28, 20202 min read
Meet the Team: Jeff Zimmerman
His favorite meal is steak and potatoes, although a few friends noted his palate prefers Mexican cuisine. The latter seems more fitting—...

Fôrt + Hōm
Aug 21, 20202 min read
Meet the Team: Danielle Zimmerman
Danielle is the Co-Owner and Acquisitions Manager of Fôrt+Hōm, in charge of the oversight of all company-asset-related architectural and...