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Meet the Team: Keegan Hall

Fort+Hom is thrilled to welcome Keegan Hall as a new Project Manager to the team! Keegan’s commitment to historic preservation and sustainable architecture is a perfect fit for F+H. Keegan’s love of architecture and history began in middle school after visiting the “Old House” in Yellowstone.

Keegan earned his Bachelors of Economics with an Environmental Focus from Western Washington University in Bellingham and his Masters of Historical and Sustainable Architecture from New York University in London. Keegan’s studies combined historic preservation with adaptive reuse and urban planning.

His experience includes preservation of historic structures in Yellowstone National Park and restoration of historic park buildings across Massachusetts. At Yellowstone, Keegan repaired historic log cabins and restored 15 ft tall wooden tri-fold doors. He has also led restoration projects involving roofing repairs, masonry repointing, and wooden sash window reconstruction. Closer to home, he has been part of the Montana Department of Commerce’s Community and Economic Vitality Program, which included administering grant funds and assisting communities with Main Street revitalization projects.

Outside of work, Keegan enjoys hiking, camping, and visiting Montana’s many breweries. His spirit animal is Ron Swanson, for the obvious reason that breakfast (or brunch) is the best meal. If Montana wasn’t so beautiful, he’d likely be living on the coast of Maine, or paying too much for coffee in Copenhagen.

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